A Gamer's Guide to Beating the Tutorial | Podium Audio

Book Series:

A Gamer’s Guide to Beating the Tutorial




It isn't easy writing fiction when you're a vaguely humanoid lump of boiled potato and flour with a head filled with nothing but salted meat. It doesn't help that I haven't even got any fingers, but we all have to make do, right? My teenage years, a time I spent writing words so abhorrent and Godless I could only post them to RoyalRoad, was supposed to change that. It didn't. Still fingerless, but now; published. It does get better after all. Horror has always had a special place in my heart, inspired by the circumstances of my starchy situation. Hence, I write what I know, ergo: the horrors. Fantasy, drama, slice of life, action, adventure... Any genre can do with a touch of terror. Outside of all that, I remain steadfast in not dropping out of Criminology, though I am hanging on by a thread. I also enjoy the loud and proud sounds created by blowing raspberries into brass tubes, and making lines go swoosh. In short, I am an ordinary author of ordinary works.



Daniel Wisniewski

Daniel Wisniewski is an award winning voice and stage actor currently based in New York City. He has produced over 150 audiobooks, was awarded two Readers' Favorite Awards in 2022 for his work in Christopher Hopper's _Infinita Awaits_ (Bronze Medal) and Shane Boulware's _Soulstealer_ (Finalist Medal), and is a multi-time Audible Best Seller for his work on Dave Willmarth’s _Battleborne _(Peak Position #29)_ _and James Haddock’s _Wizard’s Alley _(Peak Position #40)_ _& _Stonecutter's Shadow _(Peak Position #5). In addition, he is also an accomplished stage actor, with recent credits including _Romeo & Bernadette_ (Off-Broadway, New York Times Critics Pick), _The Imbible: Day Drinking_ (Off-Broadway), _Men with Money_ (World Premiere, Suzi Bass Award nominee for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical), and as Rhett Butler in Gerard Presgurvic’s musical adaptation of_ Gone with the Wind_ (First International Tour, English Premiere). He is currently working with Podium Audio as an official AudioCollaborator, alongside a plethora of other fantastic indie publishers such as Mountaindale Press, Aethon Books, Blackstone Publishing, and Royal Guard Publishing.
