The Second Tail | Podium Audio

The Second Tail

Book 2

By: Taniko K Williams

Performed by: Rebecca Woods

Released: August 08, 2023

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 15 hr, 4 min

Kadia Greene is a digital citizen living in Kaledon, a virtual reality she’s been forced to call home.
With the assistance of her half-brother and their venerated guild, Eternia, Kadia endeavors to learn the mysterious art of Alchemy and find purpose in her new life. As High Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis, Kadia is granted incredible power and prestige—but also puts her at risk from enemies who seek to use her or harm those closest to her.
Kadia must be brave and resilient if she hopes to protect herself and those around her as she embarks on her mission to restore natural philosophy’s path by returning honor and stature to her patron’s domains within Kaledon. This will require difficult decisions that could have far-reaching consequences for all digital citizens. However, with courage, cleverness, and a fading moral compass guiding her every move, Kadia may be able to surmount the obstacles before her and write her name into Kaledon’s history.



Taniko K Williams

Taniko K. Williams is a full time indie author living in rural Australia. Her primary writing genres are game-lit, urban romance, sci-fi and epic fantasy.



Rebecca Woods

_Fascinated by psychology from a young age, Rebecca took her passion for exploring the human mind and turned toward the world of acting. Years of vocal coaching, varying degrees in everything from screenwriting to design to theatre arts, have instilled the tools to craft fully dimensional stories, as well as insight into the human condition that informs each choice she makes. Growing up a musician, she has an ear for dialects and a passion for bringing characters to life with emotional complexity. This has been demonstrated across her varied career on stage, on film, and in over 100 audiobooks in the last few years alone. _
