Courts and Cabals 5 | Podium Audio

Courts and Cabals

Courts and Cabals 5

Book 5

By: G.S. D'Moore

Performed by: Jay Alder

Released: January 23, 2024

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 19 hr, 49 min

To the victor go the spoils. Winners rule, and losers drool.
Those are the rules. That’s how it’s supposed to be. That’s what Cam expected when he survived the Fae Confluence, won all three trials, and ended up the Lord of Winter. At the very least, he expected a high five and a pat on the back for a job well done.
Instead, when he returned to the mortal realm, he was met with trigger-happy UN agents, a spoiled dragon, and a queen succubus who was ready to do anything to take him down. To survive what should be a happy homecoming, Cam will have to use all of his newfound power to protect those he loves. He’ll even have to degrade himself to the point of playing… politics. That’s a tall order, even for a new god.



G.S. D'Moore

G.S. doesn’t like to talk about himself a lot, he prefers to let his writing talk for him.



Jay Alder

Jay Alder is the romantic alter ego of narrator J.S. Arquin. Jay’s entire life has re- volved around stories. When he was three years old, he would collect a stack of books and ask the nearest adult to read to him. When they finished, he would bring them another stack. Fast forward to now, and Jay has been a professional actor for nearly three decades, performed around the world, and recorded over 100 audio- books. He has been a finalist for several audiobook awards, including a 2021 Inde- pendent Audiobook Award, an Audiobook Adrenaline award, and a Sultry Listeners Award. He especially adores narrating all flavors of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and loves complex characters, quirky dialects, and stories that sweep listeners up and take them away to other worlds.
